Thursday, February 24, 2022
Voight-Kampff Machine ...
The Voight-Kampff machine is a fictional interrogation tool, originating from the novel - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (where it is spelled "Voigt-Kampff"), written by Philip K. Dick. The Voight-Kampff is a polygraph-like machine used by blade runners to determine whether an individual is a replicant. It measures bodily functions such as respiration, blush response, heart rate and eye movement in response to questions dealing with empathy.
Me: Do you love your own pet?
Android: What pet it is?
Me: It does not matter. It's just hypothetical. Answer the question.
Android: Yes.
Me: One day the pet you own contracted a deadly and dangerous disease; transmittable to human. Would you dump your pet?
Android: Yes.
Me: You've a child of your own. Do you love your child?
Android: Yes.
Me: One day your own child contracted a deadly and dangerous disease; transmittable to human. Would you dump your child?
Android: No.
Me: Why? You just mention to love both your owned pet, and your owned child. Why you are willing to dump your owned pet, and not your owned child?
The android turn his head side way, with his curious and lost expression, he glare at me with anger burning in his eyes.
Android: Is this a trick question!
Me: No. They are just questions design to evoke common sense, with empathy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Let it be ...
I still remember vividly during those days of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) when certain people would dump their pets for fear they could die by contracting this particular, and peculiar deadly disease from animals. There was even religious ideology on Swine Flu (H1N1 influenza virus) was gods way to punish people for their disobedient, or sins. Fast forwarding to today, and now comes Covid-Omicron spreading among children living with their family. In all irony, this situation does make me ponder? I personally think, and believe god is definitely showing his fairness, in every manner, to every living being he created with all his mighty heart living in this unique universe of his. Writing in this new small notebook I bought yesterday seems good. The ink flowing from my fountain pen is problematic every once in a while, but it could be the speed I am writing in a Extra Fine (EF) nib. Nevertheless, still like writing traditional when I am in the "think-to-write" mode.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Chirping day ...
Customer entering the mall seems to be in a chirpy mood. The person following me from behind when entering, shower the attending person at the mall entrance with praises for being courteous to him. "I have a dream," much like Martin Luther King quoted, where I am a prized web slinging spider being hunted by my own family members as a pet. I can't fight them in that dream, or destroy them, because they are my family members. I understand owning great power come with great opportunity, but most important of all is the heavy burden of responsibility. That is the famous phrase among Spiderman fans. Keeping away, being alone come as natural as everyday breathing in life. Loosing those text isn't devastating, because anyone can put words together into sentences, but how the writer feel when writing them down at that spur of moment is something else altogether.
"Today is today, let tomorrow be tomorrow;
Seek not the future, Live for now in these words," speak the writer by himself before death comes for his soul.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Dumb became dumber ...
I find it absurd for people to even seek scientific proof, or explanation when everyday plain common sense is what others need to debunk an idiotic idea. Maybe the education system wasn't build for us to use rational thinking for everyday problem solving, or evaluating information, or maybe the elders themselves that brought us up does not have the understanding of what common sense actually means in life's upbringing. Some of these characters I have been pondering on are educators, to professionals awarded with certification by highly respectable institution in their field of expertise. This indicate how fragile the future can be with the next generation of undertaker. All this does make me appreciate how god actually design human life to end, for nothing could live forever is a blessing from all mighty one himself.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Writing is life ...
Every word I breathe here is alive to me. I don't, and won't be able to know how, or what others feel about theirs, but that's how I feel now of what is written here. In itself, they're life on their own. These words are never mine to be control after setting them free into the world. Here seated, sweating in a hot room, feeling tense for not knowing the next sentence. It might spur out from nowhere surprising me. The sound of whirring machine dispersing fragrance into the humid air, located on the floor beside me. The calm, almost haunting silence of the night, make me wonder what else is out there lingering in the darkness, under the bright and big full round moon, almost hidden by thick cloud. There is more playing around, among themselves inside my mind. Running aimlessly, untroubled of its existence. Nothing can stop them from finding amusement, making a carnival of my mind. Is my dark thoughts a crime? Would dark, and twisted entertainment become an ultimate vice to destroy human species? Wiping them out from existence. What if our thoughts is not ours to own, and publicly available for others to purchase commercially like those products advertised on TV, readily available on the store shelf? What if, what if, and there's more what if; ending with a big IF! Life is a big story we made of ourselves in the world we bind together for amusement.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Drive my car ...
Haruki Murakami short story co-written and directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. The film director have done the movie in such a way I have understand how Haruki Murakami novel has always been for me. Those who find storyline is important would enjoy this film. I enjoyed it. Well done.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Be dumb and dumber ...
People always assume they know best in groups and crowds. I am really not into that frame of understanding. In most case I think the opposite of that. Groups or crowds can be motivational, but usually, and almost never responsible of collateral damages. It's well practice in most political agenda as a game plan. Winning ain't everything. What comes after the win that make everything. Covid ain't going anywhere, anytime soon. It will be here for as long as it takes to educate the herd fairly. The Justice Lady Blind does come to mind - blindfolded, holding a scale with one hand, and the sword with her other hand. Gonna have to hit the weights after this, will try going vegetarian for two days in a week. That should be good enough for not loosing the bulk I made this far. Maintenance is easier after building them. There was pain at the beginning, still is and then the gain. Life with no pain, there's no gain; that's the best game.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Just another note ...
I am more fluent in my hand writing now. That is good. This little notebook give me less space to scribble, but with an extra fine nib I am able to squeeze more character, or words. Some fountain pen nib can be quite broad when writing. Giving less space for hand written words on smaller sheet of paper. Less people at the food court for breakfast today. Not that I ever care, or even want to care, but it is much comfortable to be doing my writing in this calm and quiet environment, than crowded with noisy people. The high infection rates of Covid-Omicron could be scaring people from going out to public places. Business need to become more reliable, than be seen raking in profit without concern for public safety. They need to brag less, work harder to stop the spread of Covid. This will gain public confidence to frequent their establishment.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Heartache, headache and every aching pain ...
I just could not wrap my head around Covid-Omicron symptoms, such like having headache and backache. They are very common, and I mean very common health problems among everyday people. I personally would get a headache, and backache after sitting out the long, and horrify traffic condition for hours in the city, and this is happening everyday. Maybe loud and endless blaring car horns is contagious, and the real culprit responsible for spreading Covid-Omicron variant disease is them. Covid-Omicron virus is not only airborne transmissible, but "noise-borne" transmissible too; because I am getting unbearable painful headache from it. On top of all that aching pain, I have to take self Covid test daily after every bad city traffic experience. Now I am having financial ache from buying and stocking up boxes of Covid self test kit. Covid is definitely very contagious. Believe it or not, my whole life is aching from Covid problems.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Outside myself ...
My writing day outside in public. A quite morning, without much customer around the mall's food court. So, the calmness is nice for me to concentrate jotting down these few words. The light shinning from the top of me is glaring. Sitting a few table away is a young chap wearing an earthly brown color t-shirt. He is most probably having his breakfast purchased from outside of this food court. I am guessing it is the popular food among the local in the morning's breakfast, and evening's tea break. That would be the traditional coconut milk rice, with fried chicken, garnish with sweet and spicy chilly sauce mix in crunchy fried anchovies. He seem very satisfy with his meal when walking pass me going towards to the public wash area. He clean himself up and left for work after doing so. Whatever written here seems good enough for today's observation, and this copy will be edited on my computer later in the day.
Monday, February 14, 2022
It's what it's ...
Only the light shining on this paper written of words. The computer has not been switch on - not yet. No electronic gadget is around grieving for me. I remembered it is as simple as once it use to be for me in my younger days. My attention is only mine alone. That's how simple it is to write. Words are only words here; me and them. Nothing distracting us. Does feel free. Less is definitely more these days. Privacy is pristine here and now. The world is left out of this moment. I have no care of what's happening to the world out there. Who I am is what I am in these hand written words - it's what it's.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Just a day ...
And so I skip a day not being able to write a note of words. It was yesterday, a hectic Saturday on the 12th February, 2022. In fact, every Saturday I would wake up early before dawn, got myself exhausted and end up too lazy to think. Well, that day itself became my opening set of words for today's write up. I find it hard to make promises I wouldn't break, and that's what I did in the end - break it. Kudos to myself. Not everything turn out to be a disappointment all the time. I manage getting myself a bottle of 31 ml of black Lamy ink. I was thinking of it a few days ago. Haven't try it out yet. Hopefully I am right about it. About not drying up my pen nib when left disuse for a long period of time. Sunday always a chore day for me, has and always will, but I seems much comfortable spending time writing a note for myself here now than yesterday. Maybe, I should start practicing carrying a notebook, together with a pen on me at all times when outside running around doing whatever I am doing. Just nice ending here for today's note of hand written words.
Friday, February 11, 2022
"It" is there, but where ...
Thinking of taking a hiatus for today, staying away from this little personal effort of mine. There no particular reason, but I went against it in the end. It's one of those excuses, lazy feeling and negative thoughts ringing inside my head. Yeah, I am normal like everyone else. I manage to convince myself it shouldn't be hard scribbling my thoughts on this small piece of paper. I be a pathetic soul if I can't even have a decent conversation with myself for a minute in this lowly lighted room. If I can't have that minute by myself, wouldn't it be harder to be outside from this person; that someone I have been locked up with for years. Hope to discover some form of repetition among these written words. Is it me? Is that him? Who else is here? What can I find? Probably I need to look harder, or maybe I am looking too hard and I have became blind to what's already there for me, or could he have dug away and hide in the dark. Now, that's fun; dug and dark rhyme. Hopefully "it" come out to play again. I am sure we meet again sometime, somewhere, and somehow. Promise, you be with me, and we be together - alone.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Writing Life ...
If I am to keep writing in life, I somehow need to remind myself to purchase a bottle of Lamy ink. It doesn't seem to clog the fountain pen nib after being left around, not being use for a long period of time. It's a need to be done at this point of time. I got lots of fountain pens lying around. The grand duke is probably furious, and most likely a perfect storm is hidden somewhere in her hand of cards for this year. Surprise, surprise, but I am not surprise. I do keep life as simple as I can, and mostly fluid. Keeping everything manageable. Would just pull the plug whenever to flush, and however when "they" get out of hand; without remorse like "big-mama", and "old-dada" taught me. Hummmm ... am loving the flow of these hand written words. Java language is going to be hard to learn. I was not expecting that to happen till I got myself that book for dummies. Darn it. But it's still something I need doing. Guess today words are skewing towards my self reflection. Things are moving on and piling up. But I am still wondering; am I still missing out on something more tangible to measure success? Maybe, my other impostor syndrome self is taunting me again.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Another day, another note of words ...
Here's another note of words lingering in my mind at this very moment in time. Some like to tell themselves they have nothing worthwhile to write. Well, I would just write whatever there is in my mind. I don't really think a person's mind can ever be blank, like a total shut down with no thoughts. I must be brain dead to have no whatsoever thoughts. There will always be something, from nothing worthwhile, to everything that's important to think about all the time. Does it really matter to write something worthwhile for yourself? Spinning a simple topic such as writing for the sake of writing can be just as interesting as any other topic. I think such practices is known as free-writing. It's scribbling down your thoughts, disregarding spelling, grammar, or any other proper writing rules to write. I don't actually need to wait for a viable topic to write. Seems more of an excuse than a reason. Everybody think of something whenever they wake up. I believe human even think when asleep. I think of breakfast every morning. Sometimes it's coffee, but there are days I prefer a cup of plain sugarless tea. Which ever drinks I decide, breakfast is a must to start a day. Having a good breakfast is always to me as an indicator of how the rest of day would become of. Dinner is usually the meal to close the day. So, it's like rewarding myself, or pampering myself after a day. The day could be bad or even good; it does not matter. I just get on with the day's breakfast, and dinner. Just like these words written here today for myself. As simple, or as complicate as it can be - I go on writing in life.
A Note a Day ...
I am to spend some time every day doing physical writing. It would be an old man cognitive exercise. Frankly, I don't imagine myself to be that old - O ... L ... D. But I truly believe this is a practical, and beneficial exercise to be doing daily. Writing physically does need lots of my patient. Because computer these days almost, always auto suggest, and even correct every going to be complete word efficiently. Sometimes, I wonder am I writing, or the computer is doing the writing for me. That's great, but it doesn't help when my intention is to have a good workout flexing my brain's muscle. I know this seems like working hard, rather than smart. Nothing's perfect in every way for everybody. They are just serving a purpose for an end, and it's on which receiving end you would like to be. That's what it does for me. What's happening here is I am writing myself a note every day by using a conventional writing tool. And if I am still able, it will go on for the rest of my living years. I believe this will help me to stay creative, and slow myself down, while improving my physical and mental well being. Obviously, such conventional written words, much like this one, will eventually make their way to my computer screen for editing, and end up being publish on my blog. You should try it. Don't need to write a page - only a note a day.
Monday, February 7, 2022
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
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