Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Another day, another note of words ...
Here's another note of words lingering in my mind at this very moment in time. Some like to tell themselves they have nothing worthwhile to write. Well, I would just write whatever there is in my mind. I don't really think a person's mind can ever be blank, like a total shut down with no thoughts. I must be brain dead to have no whatsoever thoughts. There will always be something, from nothing worthwhile, to everything that's important to think about all the time. Does it really matter to write something worthwhile for yourself? Spinning a simple topic such as writing for the sake of writing can be just as interesting as any other topic. I think such practices is known as free-writing. It's scribbling down your thoughts, disregarding spelling, grammar, or any other proper writing rules to write. I don't actually need to wait for a viable topic to write. Seems more of an excuse than a reason. Everybody think of something whenever they wake up. I believe human even think when asleep. I think of breakfast every morning. Sometimes it's coffee, but there are days I prefer a cup of plain sugarless tea. Which ever drinks I decide, breakfast is a must to start a day. Having a good breakfast is always to me as an indicator of how the rest of day would become of. Dinner is usually the meal to close the day. So, it's like rewarding myself, or pampering myself after a day. The day could be bad or even good; it does not matter. I just get on with the day's breakfast, and dinner. Just like these words written here today for myself. As simple, or as complicate as it can be - I go on writing in life.