Friday, February 11, 2022
"It" is there, but where ...
Thinking of taking a hiatus for today, staying away from this little personal effort of mine. There no particular reason, but I went against it in the end. It's one of those excuses, lazy feeling and negative thoughts ringing inside my head. Yeah, I am normal like everyone else. I manage to convince myself it shouldn't be hard scribbling my thoughts on this small piece of paper. I be a pathetic soul if I can't even have a decent conversation with myself for a minute in this lowly lighted room. If I can't have that minute by myself, wouldn't it be harder to be outside from this person; that someone I have been locked up with for years. Hope to discover some form of repetition among these written words. Is it me? Is that him? Who else is here? What can I find? Probably I need to look harder, or maybe I am looking too hard and I have became blind to what's already there for me, or could he have dug away and hide in the dark. Now, that's fun; dug and dark rhyme. Hopefully "it" come out to play again. I am sure we meet again sometime, somewhere, and somehow. Promise, you be with me, and we be together - alone.