Thursday, February 24, 2022
Voight-Kampff Machine ...
The Voight-Kampff machine is a fictional interrogation tool, originating from the novel - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (where it is spelled "Voigt-Kampff"), written by Philip K. Dick. The Voight-Kampff is a polygraph-like machine used by blade runners to determine whether an individual is a replicant. It measures bodily functions such as respiration, blush response, heart rate and eye movement in response to questions dealing with empathy.
Me: Do you love your own pet?
Android: What pet it is?
Me: It does not matter. It's just hypothetical. Answer the question.
Android: Yes.
Me: One day the pet you own contracted a deadly and dangerous disease; transmittable to human. Would you dump your pet?
Android: Yes.
Me: You've a child of your own. Do you love your child?
Android: Yes.
Me: One day your own child contracted a deadly and dangerous disease; transmittable to human. Would you dump your child?
Android: No.
Me: Why? You just mention to love both your owned pet, and your owned child. Why you are willing to dump your owned pet, and not your owned child?
The android turn his head side way, with his curious and lost expression, he glare at me with anger burning in his eyes.
Android: Is this a trick question!
Me: No. They are just questions design to evoke common sense, with empathy.