Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Insecure Writers Support Group ...

Insecure Writers Support Group purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Every first Wednesday of the month is officially Insecure Writers Support Group Day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts, and fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles, or triumphs. Offer words of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer. Aim for a dozen new people each time with comments. It is about connecting.

Insecure Writer’s Support Group will announce a question every month for members to answer. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience, or story. Answer the question in your post, or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. Participating in these questions is optional.

Rock the neurotic writing world with Insecure Writer’s Support Group today.

(Info source from Insecure Writer’s Support Group)

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Devil Corner ...

Was in a dream. Stood there, and looked curious at the corner. It was my left side. I spoke, "What a sharp corner it is!" A tomboyish female stranger was sitting in front of me on a small upside down wooden crate box, in a her relaxed posture smoking. She acknowledged me with her dull and husky voice, slurring every word down her throat, "There is a reason why they call it The Devil Corner." Had spoken to Lucifer, the light bearer in the guise of herself. Twilight came, the morning star shined. It was time to go; I left.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Somewhere else ...

Sitting there in her wedding gown is her nightmare. She is hearing ear-piercing scream, and enduring sharp needle pain pumping through her whole body. Her visible enlarge veins string her up with agony. Drown in pitch darkness. A cold room fill with pathetic and sorrowful ghosts. They are wandering lost souls. Waiting to take her with them. She dare not follow. It is time to let go. The devil speak with his hush, rustic and deep tone,”You can never leave this hell hole.” Convincing herself it is a lie and not giving up. She stomp towards the wooden door, both her hands gripping the brass door handle, but her fingers pass through it. She continue pushing, forcing the door to open, stumble out and through it, coming back to the beginning; trying to escape from where she is. The devil approach her with a bitten blood red skin apple. He squat beside her, bend down staring at her face. His cold metal cross necklace of Christ paying for sinner, dangling, touching her soft and pale skin. It was not her greed for love, but lies that lure her here. Speaking to her sarcastically, ”A fruitless attempt.” She snub him. Laying on her back looking up to the ceiling is a hanging down fan. She watch the slow rotating blade. Counting each passing from right to left. Its whirring sound with easing breeze is comforting to her tired eyes. She doze off.

Monday, March 7, 2022

After Yang (2022) Movie ...

After Yang (2022) is a very nice surreal sci-fi movie, and it does remind me of Ex-Machina (2014) movie.

Ex-Machina (2014) movie.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

After a while ...

Have to say the quote sourced above by Seth Berkley is true, and one can find the quality of the nation leadership by noticing how their countrymen are living up to responsibility. Yes, that is how simple to judge a country. The media at large can also be judge upon how responsible they are when motivating their writing, which I find their works provided to the public are mostly trashy; coming from my personal experience and expectation. Quality may not only be of how great or well a person perform in the technicality of their craft, but how they are to deliver their work responsibly to the mass as a creator. Most writer just aren't responsible enough in their works. Looks like my fountain pen ink adapter is damage. Would need to get a new replacement sometime soon. Ending here for now. Hope to pen something, or randomly anything again.